• How to Clean Glassware in the Lab

How to Clean Glassware in the Lab

Aug 21 2022

From flasks and beakers to test tubes andpipettes在美国,玻璃器皿是大多数科学实验室的主要用品。实验室玻璃器皿专门用于应付科学研究和实验的要求,具有非凡的强度,透明度,热稳定性和耐毒素,化学品和腐蚀性物质。

In most cases, cleaning laboratory glassware calls for a specialised approach. This not only protects laboratory personnel but helps to improve the accuracy of results, avoid cross-contamination and extend the longevity of glassware.

Different glassware types generally demand different cleaning methods. However, the tips below can be applied to most glassware in the lab.

Use the right solvent

Selecting the right solvent is an important part of the glassware cleaning process. The type of solvent used will depend on the materials the glassware was used to store or transport. For example, solvents such as acetone or ethanol should be used to remove organic matter from glassware. Acid solutions such as hydrochloric acid blended with nitric acid are best for glassware being used for chemical reaction testing. Chromic acid cleaning solutions are useful for removing glassware that’s become cloudy or caked with organic matter.

Clean ASAP


Invest in autoclaves

Autoclavestake the hassle out of cleaning glassware with a high-pressure steam system that kills bacteria, viruses, spores and other microorganisms. Guidelines published by Princeton University in New Jersey stress that to effectively kill contaminants, “the autoclave must reach and maintain a temperature of 121° C for at least 30 minutes by using saturated steam under at least 15 psi of pressure.” Depending on the volume and contents of the load, cycle time may need to be increased.

Pre sterilise when necessary

Laboratories handling potentially harmful specimens such as spore-bearing bacteria, viruses and blood should sterilise glassware before cleaning. Autoclaves are generally an easy and effective solution. Glassware can also be sterilised using a steam oven or by boiling in detergent for 30 minutes.

Rinse in deionised water

Many laboratory glassware cleaning guidelines call for deionised water rinses. Also called DI water, this form of H2O is purified to remove minerals such as potassium and sodium. Rinsing glassware withdeionised water提供两个主要好处。首先,水的纯度使它更有效地吸收污染物。这将导致更彻底的清洁。其次,去离子水不会在玻璃器皿上留下残留物。这降低了玻璃器皿沾染污染物的风险,而污染物可能会影响未来实验的准确性。

Find out more about best-practice laboratory cleaning methods, including tips on how to clean hot plates, mortar and pestles and surfaces in‘Laboratory Hygiene - A Comprehensive Guide’.