• How can AI Systems Learn to make Fair Choices
    Simone Stumpf with a prototype human-in-the-loop feedback system displayed on a laptop

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How can AI Systems Learn to make Fair Choices

Jul 19 2022

“This problem is not only limited to loan applications but can occur in any place where bias is introduced by either human judgement or the AI itself. Imagine an AI learning to predict, diagnose and treat diseases but it is biased against particular groups of people. Without checking for this issue you might never know! Using a human-in-the-loop process like ours that involves clinicians you could then fix this problem,” Simone Stumpf

Researchers from the University of Glasgow and Fujitsu Ltd have teamed up for a year-long collaboration, known as ‘End-users fixing fairness issues’, or Effi - to help artificial intelligence (AI) systems make fairer choices by lending them a helping human hand.


Addressing AI system bias

The Effi project is setting out to address some of these issues with an approach known as ‘human-in-the-loop’ machine learning which more closely integrates people into the machine learning process to help AIs make fair decisions. It builds on previous collaborations between Fujitsu and Dr Simone Stumpf, of the University of Glasgow’s School of Computing Science, which have explored human-in-the-loop user interfaces for loan applications based on an approach called explanatory debugging; this enables users to identify and discuss any decisions they suspect have been affected by bias. From that feedback the AI can learn to make better decisions in the future.

“This problem is not only limited to loan applications but can occur in any place where bias is introduced by either human judgement or the AI itself. Imagine an AI learning to predict, diagnose and treat diseases but it is biased against particular groups of people. Without checking for this issue you might never know! Using a human-in-the-loop process like ours that involves clinicians you could then fix this problem,” Dr Stumpf told International Labmate.

Trustworthy systems urgently needed


富士通公司的富士通研究中心人工智能伦理研究中心的负责人Daisuke Fukuda博士说:“通过与Simone Stumpf博士的合作,我们探索了世界各地人们对人工智能公平感的不同看法。这项研究导致了将多种感官反映到人工智能中的系统的发展。我们认为与斯顿普夫博士的合作是使富士通的AI伦理学得以推进的有力手段。在这段时间里,我们将挑战新的问题,让AI技术基于人的思想来公平。随着整个社会包括产业界和学术界对AI伦理的需求不断增长,我们希望Stumpf博士和富士通继续合作,让富士通的研究为我们的社会做出贡献。”

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