
利兹大学将开发一种利用气泡和声波递送抗癌药物的新方法。该项目将使高毒性药物以小剂量直接输送到肿瘤,在那里它们的毒性可以安全地得到充分利用。如果成功,这项技术可以很容易地应用于其他疾病。The project brings together engineers, physicists, chemists and cancer specialists from across the University to work on the new technique. The research will use existing chemotherapy drugs to gain initial proof of concept before adapting the delivery mechanism for use with novel therapeutics being developed at the University to treat colorectal cancer. Tiny gas-filled bubbles just a 1000nth of a millimetre across are already used in medicine to provide a clearer image on ultrasound scanners, because, when they are injected into the bloodstream, they reflect a stronger signal than the surrounding tissue.

然而,某些超声波信号会使气泡破裂,研究人员计划利用这一现象作为一种巧妙的癌症治疗方法。The researchers will attach the drug to microbubbles, along with antibodies that are attracted to the tumour to make the bubbles congregate at the tumour site. Ultrasound will then be applied to the site at the correct frequency, and when the bubbles burst a manageable but effective dose of the drug will be released. An added benefit is that ultrasound can also temporarily rupture cell membranes, helping to get the drug into the cells where it can be most effective.............................


  • 符合标准的180°C热风灭菌


  • 烤箱,孵化器和灭菌设备
  • 发光,紫外和图像分析


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