• New Platform Provides Integrated Imaging Solution

Microscopy & Microtechniques

New Platform Provides Integrated Imaging Solution

Mar 29 2022

A new platform from Leica Microsystems offers a new type of wholly integrated imaging solution that combines widefield and confocal imaging in a single system, while also leveraging machine learning software, automation tools and unique fluorescence unmixing techniques to automate imaging workflows.

Mica, the world’s first Microhub, allows researchers, regardless of expertise, to work in a single digital imaging platform, moving confidently from setup to beautifully visualised results, allowing true access for all. The Microhub intelligently automates sample-finding, parameter-setting and focus constancy, replacing manual setup with just one push of a button. Mica eliminates over 85% of the tedious setup steps in the conventional imaging workflow.


“研究范式在不断进化,正如我们在单细胞和转录组学的最近进化中看到的那样。下一个前沿领域是将这些分离的信息放到空间环境中,因为位置对理解生物机制至关重要。这一趋势促使更多的研究人员在研究中使用复杂成像技术。我们为这些研究人员建造了云母,他们需要更多地关注他们的生物学,而不是显微镜的专长,”徕卡微系统生命科学副总裁James O 'Brien说。“Microhub时代将为每个人带来超强的显微体验。”

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